
Monday, July 24, 2017

Sacramento Drug Rehab Lists 5 Tips for Managing Anxiety without Medication

Drug addiction and anxiety seem to go hand-in-hand. Sometimes people turn to illegal drugs for relief from anxiety and ultimately find themselves addicted to them. In other cases, people who have become addicted to drugs develop anxiety about their future and life in general. At our Sacramento detox center, we know that regardless of how or why a person developed anxiety, it is important to get it under control. And for people in recovery who are reluctant to start a medication regimen, there are ways to address it without medication.

Med-Free Ways to Address Anxiety

It’s important that you talk with your doctor before starting or discontinuing any medication. That said, here are five things you can do to help lessen your anxiety naturally:

Deep Breathing

When we say “take a breath,” we’re typically just encouraging someone who is upset to calm down. But as it turns out, medical science has proven there’s more to it than that. Deep breathing causes a number of positive physiological changes in your body. Read more from this blog. http://bit.ly/2uSmJ5o

Strategies for Developing Self-Discipline Before, During, and After Private Addiction Treatment

From maintaining a healthy diet to making the trip to the gym regularly, self-discipline is something that everyone could have more of. For those who are struggling with an alcohol or drug addiction, it’s a skill that is especially important. Whether you are considering private opiate detox treatment, are participating now, or have completed it, there are steps you can take to boost your willpower.

Take Action to Improve Your Self-Control

Here are some things you can do to gain better control of your thoughts and actions:

  • Practice on less difficult challenges. The more you exercise your willpower, the stronger it becomes. And that includes all areas of your life. Make it a goal to exert some self-control every day. Resist the urge to have dessert. Get off the couch and go for a walk when you really don’t feel like it. Every little bit of practice helps. Read more from this blog. http://bit.ly/2uRAQIh

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Learning to Practice Positive Affirmations while in Benzo Detox

There are those who are skeptical about the effectiveness of “positive affirmations.” They dismiss them as wishful thinking that doesn’t do anything to change real world challenges. However, scientific studies have shown many times that they are very powerful when it comes to molding our thinking. These mantras are proven to help improve performance on challenging tasks, increase confidence, enhance self-image, and decrease stress. For people undergoing benzo detox, these kinds of changes in perspective can have a very positive impact on their treatment.

Taking Steps to Increase Optimism

When life gets stressful, it’s natural for negative thoughts to come to mind. Even when the outcome of a particular situation is just as likely to be positive as negative, we may say to ourselves, “This is not going to end well.” However, researchers have found that with practice, this default thought pattern can be reprogrammed. Simply repeating statements like “I can do this. I’m strong and confident.” can make a significant difference in how a scenario is perceived and ultimately on the outcome. Read more from this blog. http://bit.ly/2uRnzPN

Private Drug Detox Shares 5 Healthy Ways to Release Pent-Up Emotions

Recovering from a drug dependency is a challenging process that generates a great deal of emotion. People experience the thrill of making progress but also the frustration of temporary setbacks. And too often those emotions are kept bottled up inside, where they can have a negative impact on a person’s emotional health and their commitment to their treatment. At our Sacramento detox we counsel clients to take advantage of healthy ways to release those emotions so they don’t interfere with progress toward recovery.

It’s Very Important to Vent

While it may not feel natural at first, safely venting pent-up feelings is critical to recovery. Without a healthy outlet, those emotions can lead to the use of damaging coping mechanisms and ultimately a relapse. Here are five things you can do to keep your recovery on track: Read more from this blog. http://bit.ly/2uRCRUO