
Monday, July 24, 2017

Sacramento Drug Rehab Lists 5 Tips for Managing Anxiety without Medication

Drug addiction and anxiety seem to go hand-in-hand. Sometimes people turn to illegal drugs for relief from anxiety and ultimately find themselves addicted to them. In other cases, people who have become addicted to drugs develop anxiety about their future and life in general. At our Sacramento detox center, we know that regardless of how or why a person developed anxiety, it is important to get it under control. And for people in recovery who are reluctant to start a medication regimen, there are ways to address it without medication.

Med-Free Ways to Address Anxiety

It’s important that you talk with your doctor before starting or discontinuing any medication. That said, here are five things you can do to help lessen your anxiety naturally:

Deep Breathing

When we say “take a breath,” we’re typically just encouraging someone who is upset to calm down. But as it turns out, medical science has proven there’s more to it than that. Deep breathing causes a number of positive physiological changes in your body. Read more from this blog. http://bit.ly/2uSmJ5o

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