
Monday, August 14, 2017

The First 48 hours of Alcohol Detox in Sacramento

Alcohol addiction can take a heavy toll on the body, causing a number of physiological changes. Consequently, the process of weaning your body off of alcohol is both mentally and physically stressful. For people undergoing alcohol detox in Sacramento at Diamond House Detox or any program, the first 48 hours tend to be the most intense.

What to Expect in Alcohol Detox

While every person’s detox experience is different, here is a general description of what you can expect in the first few days:

  • Acute withdrawal onset within 6-8 hours. How quickly you experience withdrawal symptoms varies greatly, depending on your consumption history and other factors. However, people generally begin experiencing the effects of detox in less than 12 hours after their last drink. Read more from this blog. http://bit.ly/2uVUBhS

Finding Mindfulness During Detox in Sacramento

There are many techniques used to help a person detox from drugs or alcohol. One of the most helpful is an ancient practice called mindfulness. Mindfulness is the state of being fully aware of the present moment, as opposed being caught up in thoughts about the past or the future. For people undergoing detox in Sacramento at Diamond House Detox, we emphasize the importance of learning and practicing mindfulness.

The Many Benefits of Mindfulness

Living more mindfully provides a wide range of benefits, including:

More accurate self-awareness. People fighting an addiction have a tendency to see themselves inaccurately. In some cases, they have intense guilt over the situation that they feel they are solely responsible for creating and how it is affecting their loved ones. Read more from this blog. http://bit.ly/2uVB54T

Monday, August 7, 2017

Learning to Curb Withdrawal Symptoms While in Opiate Detox in Sacramento

Opiate addictions are powerful conditions that produce significant withdrawal symptoms. However, as we tell clients at our opiate detox in Sacramento. There are some simple and effective steps you can take to help manage the unpleasant side effects as you work with your counselor and medical team to free yourself from an opioid addiction.

Soothing the Symptoms of Opiate Detox

Here are some things you can do to help minimize your discomfort as you eliminate opioids from your system:

  • Eat healthy. What you eat can affect how you feel as you go through detox. Opioid addiction may cause deficiencies in magnesium, calcium, and potassium, which can increase muscle pain, muscle spasms, and restless leg syndrome. Eating healthy meals with foods high in these minerals (bananas are full of potassium, for example) can be very helpful. You might also consider taking a multivitamin to help offset any vitamin deficiencies. Always talk with your counselor or healthcare provider before modifying your diet. Read more from this blog. http://bit.ly/2wl4Uj2

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Steps to a Successful a Benzo Detox

Benzodiazepine medications are some of the most frequently prescribed drugs in the U.S. Often referred to as “benzos,” there are different forms of the drug, which is commonly used to treat anxiety, sleep issues, and convulsions or seizures. Benzos are intended for short-term use and can be highly addicting if the time period or dosage recommendations are exceeded. For people who have developed an addiction, successful benzo detox can be difficult. However, full recovery is possible.

How the Benzo Detox Process Progresses

At Diamond House Detox, benzo detox takes place in a safe, private environment following a proven process:

  • Rapid access. Same-day placement in our program is available, and we are standing by to get the process started 24 hours a day.
  • Initial contact. Clients call our admissions coordinators at 800-205-6107 or contact them through our online contact form. Read more from this blog. http://bit.ly/2wllM9h